Aaron's Hyper IgM Journey

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Welcome Aidan Wolsey

After waiting 6 months and 9 days from me being born, Aidan Trevor Wolsey arrived Saturday and I got to meet my cousin. He mostly lied around and slept. He did get a bath. Mommy caught a little of it on video. You should check out the video (Mommy is not a very good videographer so please forgive her). Auntie Katie looks great. You would never have known she had just had a baby. She was walking around and eating normal food. She hadn't slept in over 24 hours, but you would never know it. Uncle Kerlan also was very happy and talked with his son. As you can tell I was super excited to meet my cousin. I talked all day about him and then finally got to meet him at 3:00. Mommy made us leave by 5:00 so we could drive home and get me to bed on time.

Aaron's Batism

Aaron Baptism

Aaron was baptized Sunday April 18th. It was a wonderful day. Aaron had many visitors from far away - Grandpa Gary, Papa, Auntie Rachel. The ceremony started at 2:30 and there were 11 babies. The ceremony was beautiful. We started with two songs and then the minister spoke of the story of Sarah and Abraham. Then he called the babies and their families one at a time. Of course little Aaron Wolsey was the last one on the alphabetized list. Michael read the letter that he wrote to Aaron about how we will devote our family to being raised as a Christian family. Serena begged to read the letter. We compromised by letting her go up with us and hold her Daddy's hand during Aaron's ceremony. The minister then placed the water on Aaron's head and said a prayer for him.

When we left the church it was raining and we all got wet. We got home and decided to have our party indoors. Mike cooked chicken and Mr. Wolsey spent quite a while in the kitchen making fried rice and chow (chow mein minus the noodles). My father, Aaron, and I were outdoors chasing after the bubbles Serena made with her bubble stick.

Later, we cut the cake. Aaron did the honors and ended up getting his toe covered in icing which made his Daddy very angry. Everyone else just laughed. In fact, Serena begged for the piece with the toe print.

We are so blessed to have such an beautiful and happy baby boy and thankful for the blessing of Jesus on Aaron's baptism day.

Click on the picture to see more photos of Aaron's big day.

posted by Mommy

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Baby can swim

We went to the Beach Club resort to meet up with my cousin Will and his family. We spent the whole afternoon by the pool. I took Aaron in with some apprehension, but he LOVED it! He gave me that look when he tries a new food for the first time... the "should I like this or not?" look. I just smiled and laughed and told him how much fun it was and he happily hung out for the rest of the time in the pool. He tried to lick the pool several times. He kicked his legs and put his head under twice. What a champ. He fell asleep in Monica's arms. After a long nap we went to the kiddie pool that is made of sand and has a sandbar in the middle. That was lots of fun. He walked in the sand and sat and played. I had to say enough when he grabbed two big handfuls of the sand and it was heading straight for the mouth. Can you believe this little boy did not make one sound all day. As Will put it, he is a true Rose.
beach club april 2010

Click on picture to see more photos.

Posted by Mommy

Sunday, April 4, 2010

I love spring break

My sister was here for a week and a half and we had so much fun. She loves to play with me. She loves to stack all my toys on top of my head while I swing in my swing. She follows me every where I go. I want to be like her and talk and talk and talk all the time. Because of her, I decided I might crawl. I am not sure. I really wasn't interested in that before, but Serena has so many exciting things to do all the time that I want to be able to move around now. She is the best big sister.
We went to Disney World Magic Kingdom and that was great. Mommy and Daddy hardly knew I was there. I was too busy looking at all the sites that I didn't make any fuss all day. I took a couple of cat naps and was ready to go again. I wanted to stay longer but the grown ups got tired and had to go home. My favorite part was the People Mover Transit ride. I kept looking all around at everything. It even took us into the Space Mountain and was completely black for 2 minutes. Daddy complained that it was stupid, but I thought it was kind of fun. I can't wait until I can go on the Space Mountain roller coaster with Mommy. She was sad that she didn't get to do any roller coasters all day. I think Serena had the most fun on the tea cups. She screamed and screamed with excitement the entire time.
Easter was great too. The Easter Bunny came and left presents for me and my sister. He brought lots of chocolate, but Mommy and Daddy ate all of it. The Easter Bunny hid eggs all over the house. It was fun to follow Serena around as she found them. She is really good at finding the eggs.
Posted by Aaron