Aaron's Hyper IgM Journey

Friday, September 26, 2014


When the doctor looks at the x-ray and says "impressive," you know it's not good news. Aaron has been in extreme pain lately. He doesn't want to get out of bed. He barely eats or drinks. I took him to the orthopedic yesterday and sure enough, another lumbar fracture. The gas trapped in his intestines is also leaking out into the abdominal cavity causing problems. My heart breaks for my little guy. He needs a miracle!

School is going a little better. He enjoys it and has been talking a little more. His teacher and classmates are so sweet to him. I am glad pre-k is optional or Aaron would be really behind for next year. He has been either too tired to get out of bed, at a doctors appointment, or in the hospital the past three weeks. We have not been able to do much school at home. I am noticing more and more that he is getting behind. I really don't care. All I want is for my son to be healed!

I can't wait for the day the doctors look at his labs and x-rays and say "unremarkable"!!!!

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Location:International Dr,Orlando,United States

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