Aaron's Hyper IgM Journey

Thursday, October 16, 2014

He peed!!!!!

Aaron has made another comeback! He is one tough kid! Thanking God for giving me more time with my chef.

The doctors took him off dialysis at 9am. They were prepared to pull out the ventilator, but Aaron was sleeping. Patients who are sedated during extubation can forget to start breathing by themselves. We definitely don't need that to happen. So, we had to wait for Aaron to wake up.

For two days, this kid wouldn't settle down. He got so bad that the nurse restrained his arms last night while I was sleeping. She was afraid he would pull out his tubes. Finally, the big day came and he did not wake up until 12:30pm. The extubation went great. They put him on a bipap (similar to cpap) mask as an extra precaution. If he does well on this, he can get off the mask as early as later today.

After the procedure, I started to bundle him up. He pointed to his pull-up and sure enough HE PEED!!!! His kidneys are working. Not sure what kind of hit they received with this, but hopefully they will recover.

He is not happy about the bipap mask. He finally settled down by watching a 54 minute show called "Hamburger America Documentary." My baby is back!

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Location:Erkenbrecher Ave,Cincinnati,United States

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