Aaron's Hyper IgM Journey

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Surgery Tomorrow

I feel absolutely horrible. As if my son hasn't been through enough already. I accidentally broke his central line. They tried unsuccessfully to repair it. Aaron will have to go in for surgery tomorrow for a replacement. I hope he heals quickly. He will get blood and platelets tonight and then again tomorrow after his surgery.

1 comment:

  1. Don't let things get you down - I know it's hard, but keep positive thoughts. Remember that even though there have been other kids lost in the BMT unit, their stories are different. The reason for their BMT may have been more serious - not that Aaron's wasn't - but perhaps they were already so weak that a BMT was a last resort. Try not to compare what others are going through to what you are. Hold tight to the positive. Also, don't feel bad about breaking a piece of plastic. It's all o.k. - everything happens for a reason. Consider that God knows everything and look for the positive there too. What if there was an infection brewing inside that other line, and God took care of a reason to get it out now. Remember - the Bible says "IN ALL THINGS GIVE THANKS." I know it's hard - here for you if you need me.

    Love ya tons!
