Aaron's Hyper IgM Journey

Friday, August 24, 2012

Norovirus, hospitalization, and eye issues

At Aaron's doctors visit today, I told everyone happy Monday morning. They corrected me and said it is Friday. This is my life. I don't even know which way is up anymore.

Last Sunday, we took Aaron to the ER. He had low fevers and diarrhea for several days. He has had these symptoms off and on for months now. They hospitalized him and discovered he has norovirus. This is likely what he picked up when my dad was here several months ago and would explain the bouts of fever and diarrhea that come and go. He has no immune system to fight this off. Fortunately, his IVIG has helped keep it in check a little bit and someday when he has an immune system he will be able to fight this thing. This is what people catch from the cruise ships.

The positive spin on this is that now Arnold Palmer treats us like we have some deadly horrible disease and requires Aaron to be rushed to a room immediately and they wear masks and gowns and gloves. This is how a BMT patient should be treated, but no one but the BMT team seems to understand. The doctors and nurses at AP are wonderful and now we are all on the same page. Yay!

The hospitalization was three days. Aaron left looking much better than when we came. They pumped him up with fluids and a round of steroids and he looks great.

We saw the dermatologist (finally!!!). Of course, Aaron's eye looked great that day, but she saw the picture. She said it looks like eyelid dermatitis and she is not concerned. She gave us a bunch of creams to use if needed.

Finally, some more positive news. Aaron's labs are better than ever. His WBCs have been increasing on their own and Aaron hasn't needed the stimulant drug. Aaron's RBCs were on the decline as a result of the stimulant drug. He was one day away from needing a blood transfusion and miraculously the RBCs have started to go back up.

Other than the scary GVH, we have no other issues to worry ourselves about.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Amen to you Chandelle. You are amazing!!! Hoping y'all can relax a little bit now and just breathe...same page is always good. Prayers continuing. xxoo

  2. thank you God the hospital is now treating you right! We need to be able to trust our docs! Way to Go Aaron! Keep kicking butt :-)

  3. Love this news. Keep its updated.

